Our Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuGQTqBDcMetOHoFzhyAqWg
Our Discord (most updates posted here): https://discord.gg/ZZchYNpDDQ
Squiddy - The main programmer, writer, community manager, and face of squidboy games. He came up with most of what would soon become QUIVER and does all the coding. He also really hates pulp. Squiddy's Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/squidboy13isalmighty
finster12 - At just 9 years old, Squiddy's sister came up with the basic concept and story of Cloud Story (as well as doing most of the concept art), based on her giant world of cute characters she has built up over the years, the most common one being little fluffy guys called Fuzzles (no, not the neopet). finster doesn't have a youtube, you probably know why
Octobre - Squiddy's brother, he's just kinda there, like an intern that just kinda, sits there. He does some QA testing but other than that, he just tries to get Squiddy to drink orange juice with pulp in it. Octobre's Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4sXVrQ4IS_DrIGzqpqZfkQ